Walkerton Area Chamber of commerce
PO Box 315
Walkerton, IN 46574
574-586-3100 / fax 574-586-3469
Meetings Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7 a.m.
Location varies by date; please contact a board member below if you need additional information.

Membership Benefits
- BUSINESS CONTACTS: Through membership in the Chamber you are in an association of your peers including local business owners and operators of industry, non-profit organizations, and schools. Through Chamber functions and gatherings, you get to know other Walkerton Area businesses and build your customer base at the same time.
- BUSINESS REFERRALS: The Chamber of Commerce office receives numerous calls from newcomers and others unfamiliar with local business. The Chamber refers these callers to Chamber members for products and services. MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY: The Chamber of Commerce will publish your business name and contact information on the official website, www.walkerton.org. This is a complete business directory of all chamber members accessible online. Each business name features a link to your business official website.
- BUSINESS SEMINARS: The Chamber of Commerce sponsors periodic membership meetings and educational seminars with subjects such as business management, customer service, financial planning, and other topics of interest and relevance for members.
- SCHOLARSHIPS: Each year, the Chamber of Commerce awards scholarships to local high school graduates.
- SPECIAL PROMOTIONS: The Chamber of Commerce organizes ribbon cuttings, downtown sidewalk sales, golf outings, circuses, Business-after-Hours, Christmas parties, and other fun events designed to bring people to Walkerton and familiarize them with your business.
- PUBLIC RELATIONS: The Chamber actively promotes new businesses in town and introduces them to the public in an on-going process.
- OTHER BENEFITS: The Chamber’s offices are centrally located in downtown Walkerton. Brochures and business cards of Chamber members are displayed free in the community information rack in our lobby. Chamber membership is a fully deductible as a business expense due to our non-profit nature.
- The Chamber is offering free membership for the first year to NEW Business that opens in Walkerton.