Walkerton Police Department
300 Illinois Street
Walkerton, IN 46574
Because it is a 24-hour operation, the police department is an important contact center. At any time, you can call 574-586-3511 for emergency or non-emergency service calls for police, fire, or ambulance. We can also reach on-call utilities workers for after-hours emergencies. The police department does not have information about court fines and cannot take payments for traffic citations. The police department is at located at 301 Illinois Street, on the east side of the Municipal Building.

Protect and Serve
Welcome to the Walkerton Police Web site. We hope this site is a help to you, whether you are a resident of Walkerton or not. Our 18-officer and 8-dispatcher team serves the Town of Walkerton 24 hours a day. The Walkerton Police Department patrols the 1.7 square mile city limits, protecting over 800 homes; there are 63 named streets.
The Walkerton police station in the new Municipal Building (with the entrance on Illinois St.). Our phone number is 574-586-3511 for questions, emergencies, and non-emergencies for the police department, fire department, ems, and town utilities (after hours).Please be mindful that there is only one dispatcher, and your phone call may have to be completed quickly or put on hold if another call comes in simultaneously.You may call 9-1-1 within Walkerton city limits, but it is first answered by the St. Joseph County Police Dispatch Center, then transferred to Walkerton Police Department.
Before taking a vacation, residents are encouraged to visit the police station to fill out a house watch form. We can check up on your house for suspicious activity while you are away, and contact you if there is any problem. Business owners should also stop by the station to make sure we have an up-to-date emergency contact list for your business.
Links for Kids
Indiana DNR activities | FEMA for kids | McGruff, the Crime Dog | FBI kids page | CIA Spy Kids | 9-1-1 for kids
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Public Notice
The Walkerton Police Department may request the below controlled property items from the Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO), or other Federal source